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We’re not in the business of making assumptions, but we’d guess that most men open their bathroom cabinets to a half-used tube of toothpaste and little else. And if we know one thing for sure, it’s that a barren bathroom cabinet can’t mean good things for its owner’s skin.

If this sounds all too familiar, you’re not alone. A recent study by AcuPole found that nearly one third of men don’t wash their face daily and that 63 percent don’t use any kind of face wash at all.

Perhaps most disturbing is the one third of men who do wash their face, do so…with bar soap. We’re not here to make you feel bad, but we are here to help you change your ways (and remind you that bar soap just won’t cut it.)

First things first: Why should men take care of their skin?

Just like anybody else, men put their skin through a lot. Everyday activities like traveling for work, living in a crowded city, or using a sweat rag at the gym can wreak havoc on your skin.

Cleansing, toning, and moisturizing are easy ways to keep your skin clean and healthy. Even if you’re not prone to dryness or breakouts, a simple routine can protect you from sun damage and delay aging.

Next up: Establish a routine and find the right products.

Knowing where to start can be tough, especially when drug store aisles are filled with products promising they can do it all. They can’t, and they might even do more to hurt your skin than to help it.

While one product probably won’t get the job done, your skincare routine can still be fuss-free. We recommend keeping a couple of essentials on hand to cover your bases.

1. A simple cleanser: A good cleanser does exactly what it says…it keeps your skin clean. Use it first thing in the morning and before bed each night to get rid of oil build up or pollution your skin has absorbed. We love the ICE Sal Cleanser because it cleans and calms all at once.

2. An all-purpose serum: Serums help protect and rebuild your skin. Use it after you cleanse but before you apply sunscreen. Our favorite is the BIO Hydra C Serum which is full of vitamin C and antioxidants to brighten and hydrate.

3. Something with sunscreen: We all know that too much sun can damage your skin, so sunscreen should be one of the most important parts of your daily routine. Put it on after your cleanser and serum and give it a minute to soak in before heading out for the day. SPF Solar Shield 30 Oil Free is a great option that won’t leave your skin shiny or greasy.

4. Something for wrinkles: Wrinkles happen, but you can help kick the can down the road with anti-aging products. Make them a part of your nighttime routine and apply after you cleanse, but before you use serum. We love PRO Anti-Aging Pads because it kills two (well, three) birds with one stone: it exfoliates, brightens, and rejuvenates.

Last but not least: Keep it consistent and start seeing results.

Better products mean better results, but not maintaining a consistent routine is the fastest way to confuse your skin. The good news is that working it into your regular schedule shouldn’t be too complicated.

Just think of it as part of your self care routine, like working out or eating well. Know what works for you and stick with it. Organize your products in the order you use them so you can easily grab what you need in the morning and at night.

In the age of Instagram influencers, we get why most men assume a skincare routine requires hours of time and bags of products. But putting your best face forward doesn’t need to be that complicated. Adding a quick step or two to your routine every day can pay off big over time. Plus, your toothpaste will be glad to have a few new cabinet-mates.

-Lira Clinical

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